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Version: 0.15


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. source.

Eventuous supports Postgres as an event store and also allows subscribing to the global event log and to individual streams using catch-up subscriptions.

Data model

Eventuous uses a single table to store events. The table name is messages. In addition, another table called streams is used to control the stream existence, and store the last event number for each stream. In the messages table, events and metadata are stored as JSONB columns. The table schema is as follows:

message_id      uuid,
message_type varchar not null,
stream_id integer not null,
stream_position integer not null,
global_position bigint primary key generated always as identity,
json_data jsonb not null,
json_metadata jsonb,
created timestamp not null,

In theory, it allows you to execute queries across events using the JSONB query syntax of Postgres SQL dialect.

For subscriptions, Eventuous adds a table called checkpoints that stores the last processed event number for each subscription. It is then used by the checkpoint store implementation for Postgres.

Event persistence

Before using Postgres as an event store, you need to register the Postgres-based event store implementation. For that to work, you'd also need to register a Postgres data source, which is used to create connections to the database. Eventuous provides a few overloads for AddEventuousPostgres registration extension to do that.

One way to register the data source is to provide a connection string and, optionally, the schema name:

builder.Services.AddEventuousPostgres(connectionString, "mySchema");

If the schema name is not provided, the default schema name (eventuous) will be used.

Another way to register the data source is by using configuration options. For example, you can add the following to the settings file:

"PostgresStore": {
"Schema": "mySchema",
"ConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=secret;Database=mydb;",
"InitializeDatabase": true

Then, use the configuration section to register the data source:


The InitializeDatabase setting tells Eventuous if it needs to create the schema. If you create the schema in a separate migration application, set this setting to false. If the schema cannot be found, and the InitializeDatabase setting is set to false, the application will fail to start.

Next, you need to register the Postgres event store:


When that's done, Eventuous will use Postgres for persistence in command services.


At this moment, the Postgres event store implementation doesn't support stream truncation.


Eventuous supports two types of subscriptions to Postgres: global and stream. The global subscription is a catch-up subscription, which means that it reads all events from the beginning of the event log. The stream subscription is also a catch-up subscription, but it only reads events from a specific stream.

Both subscription types use continuous polling to check for new events. We don't use the notification feature of Postgres.

Registering subscriptions

Registering a global log subscription is similar to EventStoreDB. The only difference is the subscription and the options types:

builder.Services.AddSubscription<PostgresAllStreamSubscription, PostgresAllStreamSubscriptionOptions>(
builder => builder

When you register a subscription to a single stream, you need to configure the subscription options to specify the stream name:

builder.Services.AddSubscription<PostgresStreamSubscription, PostgresStreamSubscriptionOptions>(
builder => builder
.Configure(x => x.StreamName = "my-stream")

As subscriptions use a Postgres data source for opening the connection, there's no need to register additional dependencies apart from calling AddEventuousPostgres as described in event persistence section above.

Checkpoint store

Catch-up subscriptions need a checkpoint. You can register the checkpoint store using AddCheckpointStore<T>, and it will be used for all subscriptions in the application.

Remember to store the checkpoint in the same database as the read model. For example, if you use Postgres as an event store, and project events to read models in MongoDB, you need to use the MongoCheckpointStore. Eventuous also has a checkpoint store implementation for Postgres (PostgresCheckpointStore), which you can use if you project events to Postgres.

When using the Postgres checkpoint store, you can register it using a dedicated extension function:


This registration function will use the schema name provided when you register the data source using AddEventuousPostgres.


You can use Postgres both as an event store and as a read model store. In that case, you can use the same connection factory for both the event store, the checkpoint store, and the projector.

Eventuous provides a simple projector base class, which allows you to emit SQL statements for the events you want to project, and the projector will execute them.

Consider the following table schema for the query model:

create table if not exists myschema.bookings (
booking_id varchar(1000) not null primary key,
checkin_date timestamp,
price numeric(10,2)

You can project the BookingImported event to this table using a simple projector:

public class ImportingBookingsProjector : PostgresProjector {
public ImportingBookingsProjector(NpgsqlDataSource dataSource) : base(dataSource) {
const string insert = @"insert into myschema.bookings
(booking_id, checkin_date, price)
values (@booking_id, @checkin_date, @price)";

(connection, ctx) =>
new NpgsqlParameter("@booking_id", ctx.Stream.GetId()),
new NpgsqlParameter("@checkin_date", ctx.Message.CheckIn.ToDateTimeUnspecified()),
new NpgsqlParameter("@price", ctx.Message.Price)

There, Project is a small helper function that creates a command from a given connection, sets the command type to Text, assigns the given SQL statement, and adds parameters to the command. It then returns the command, so it can be executed by the projector.

You can then register the projector as a subscription handler:

builder.Services.AddSubscription<PostgresAllStreamSubscription, PostgresAllStreamSubscriptionOptions>(
builder => builder

You only need to explicitly specify the subscription checkpoint store with UseCheckpointStore if your application uses different checkpoint stores for different subscriptions. At this moment, there is no way to use different checkpoint store options for each subscription in the same application, they will all use the same PostgresCheckpointStoreOptions.

Note that the insert operation in the projection is not idempotent, so if the event is processed twice because there was a failure, the projector will throw an exception. It would not be an issue when the subscription uses the default setting that tells it not to stop when the handler fails. If you want to ensure that failures force the subscription to throw, you can change the subscription option ThroOnError to true, and make the operation idempotent by using "insert or update".