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Version: 0.15



Eventuous has two types of producers: with or without produce options. The producer without produce options is a simple producer that does not support any options, and it normally produces messages as-is. The producer with produce options can have more fine-grained control on how messages are produced. Produce options are provided per message batch.

The base interface for a producer is called IEventProducer<TProduceOptions> and its only method is Produce.

Task Produce(
StreamName stream,
IEnumerable<ProducedMessage> messages,
TProduceOptions? options,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default

The IEventProducer interface has a property named ReadyNow, which indicates the readiness of the producer. This property is important for gateways to determine if the producer is prepared to produce messages. In certain scenarios, the producer may need to set up or verify the necessary infrastructure such as queues or topics before it can begin producing messages. Once this setup is complete, the producer should set the ReadyNow property to true.

Base producer

There are two abstract base classes for producers, one without options, and the other one with options.

The purpose for the base class is to enable tracing for produced messages. All producers implemented in Eventuous use the base producer class. For the purpose of tracing, the base producer class accepts ProducerTracingOptions as a parameter.

public record ProducerTracingOptions {
public string? MessagingSystem { get; init; }
public string? DestinationKind { get; init; }
public string? ProduceOperation { get; init; }

These options are used to set the producer trace tags that are specific for the infrastructure. For example, the messaging system tag for RabbitMqProducer is rabbitmq.

Both base classes implement the Produce method. It is only used to enable tracing. The actual producing is done by the ProduceMessages abstract method. When implementing a new producer using the base class, you'd only need to implement the ProduceMessages method.

You can see that for producing a message, the producer gets a collection of ProducedMessage record. It looks like this:

public record ProducedMessage {
public object Message { get; }
public Metadata? Metadata { get; init; }
public Guid MessageId { get; }
public string MessageType { get; }
public AcknowledgeProduce? OnAck { get; init; }
public ReportFailedProduce? OnNack { get; init; }

The Message property represents the actual message payload. Producers typically use an IEventSerializer instance to serialize the message payload. However, in certain situations, producers may need to comply with their supporting infrastructure and use a different method for serializing the message payload. In such cases, the `MessageType property can be included in the produced message body or header, allowing for proper deserialization by subscribers.


Eventuous provides several extensions to the IServiceCollection interface to register producers. You can provide a pre-made producer instance, a function to resolve the producer from the IServiceProvider, or simply the producer type if its dependencies can be resolved automatically.

For instance, if you have already registered the EventStoreClient instance, you can register the EventStoreProducer as follows:


If a producer requires some work to be done before it is ready, it should implement the IHostedService interface, allowing it to perform necessary startup tasks in its StartAsync method. When using any of the AddEventProducer extensions, if the producer implements IHostedService, it will be registered as such.

Keep in mind that producers are typically registered as singletons. If you require multiple producer instances for the same infrastructure within your application (like two RabbitMQ producers for different RabbitMQ instances), you must provide them as direct dependencies rather than registering them. It's uncommon to need multiple producer instances, unless you are utilizing gateways. The various AddEventProducer overloads register the specified producer as both IEventProducer and its implementing service class. For example, AddEventProducer<RabbitMqProducer> will register both IEventProducer and RabbitMqProducer. Gateway registration extensions are capable of utilizing individual producer instances as dependencies.